Come vengono assegnati i punti in F1


I primi dieci classificati di ogni Gran Premio segnano punti validi sia per il campionato piloti che per quello costruttori. Lo schema è il seguente:

1° – 25 punti
2° – 18 punti
3° – 15 punti
4° – 12 punti
5° – 10 punti
6° –  8 punti
7° –  6 punti
8° –  4 punti
9° –  2 punti
10° –  1 punto

Dal 2014, farà eccezione l’ultima gara del campionato (Abu Dhabi), in cui saranno assegnati punteggi doppi rispetto a quello indicato sopra. Quindi, il primo classificato conquisterà 50 punti anziché 25, il secondo 36 anziché 18 e così via.

Quando una gara viene sospesa e non può essere più ripresa, se si è corso meno del 75% della distanza di gara, vengono assegnati la metà dei punti. Se sono stati completati meno di due giri, non vengono assegnati punti.

La classifica costruttori si ottiene sommando i punti dei due piloti rappresentanti di ogni squadra. Entrambi i titoli mondiali vengono assegnati a coloro che ottengono un maggior numero di punti durante la stagione. In caso di parità, viene classificato meglio il pilota o il costruttore con i migliori risultati nel corso del campionato.

Estratto dal regolamento FIA su classifiche e assegnazione dei punti.

The Formula One World Championship driver’s title will be awarded to the driver who has scored the highest number of points, taking into consideration all the results obtained during the Events which have actually taken place.

6.2 The title of Formula One World Champion Constructor will be awarded to the competitor which has scored the highest number of points, results from both cars (see Article 13.6) being taken into account.
6.3 A constructor is the person (including any corporate or unincorporated body) which designs the Listed Parts set out in Appendix 6. The make of an engine or chassis is the name attributed to it by its constructor.
The obligation to design and use Listed Parts shall not prevent a constructor from outsourcing the design and/or manufacture of any Listed Parts to a third party in accordance with the provisions of Appendix 6.
If the make of the chassis is not the same as that of the engine, the title will be awarded to the former which shall always precede the latter in the name of the car.
6.4 Points for both titles will be awarded at each Event, with the exception of the final Event of the Championship, according to the following scale :
1st : 25 points
2nd : 18 points
3rd : 15 points
4th : 12 points
5th : 10 points
6th : 8 points
7th : 6 points
8th : 4 points
9th : 2 points
10th : 1 point
At the final Event of the Championship points for both titles will be doubled.
6.5 If a race is suspended under Article 41, and cannot be resumed, no points will be awarded if the leader has completed less than two laps, half points will be awarded if the leader has completed more than two laps but less than 75% of the original race distance and full points will be awarded if the leader has completed 75% or more of the original race distance.
6.6 The drivers finishing first, second and third in the Championship must be present at the annual FIA Prize Giving ceremony.
6.7 A trophy will be awarded to the driver who sets the most pole positions during the championship season (see Article 36.2). In the event of a tie the holder of the greatest number of second places will be taken into account and, if there is still the tie, the holder of the greatest number of third places and so on until a winner emerges.
If this procedure fails to produce a result, the FIA will nominate the winner according to such criteria as it thinks fit.

Prizes and points awarded for all the positions of competitors who tie, will be added together and shared equally.

7.2 If two or more constructors or drivers finish the season with the same number of points, the higher place in the Championship (in either case) shall be awarded to :
a) The holder of the greatest number of first places.
b) If the number of first places is the same, the holder of the greatest number of second places.
c) If the number of second places is the same, the holder of the greatest number of third places and so on until a winner emerges.
d) If this procedure fails to produce a result, the FIA will nominate the winner according to such criteria as it thinks fit.

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