La livrea di una monoposto di Formula 1


Le squadre devono avere le due auto essenzialmente con la stessa livrea per ogni gara, per tutta la stagione. In caso di modifiche rilevanti, devono ottenere la preventiva approvazione da parte della FIA.

In aggiunta alla livrea personalizzata, ogni monoposto deve attenersi a dei requisiti fondamentali imposti dal regolamento. Ogni vettura deve portare il numero di gara del suo conducente che deve essere ben visibile dalla parte anteriore della monoposto. Il nome del conducente deve apparire sulla carrozzeria esterna. Il nome e il logo della squadra devono apparire anche sul musetto della monoposto.

Per aiutare a distinguere i piloti di una stessa squadra, le telecamere fissate a bordo della monoposto devono essere colorate in maniera diversa. Sulla prima vettura la telecamere devono rimanere così come fornite – ossia di colore nero – mentre per la seconda macchina deve essere applicato un adesivo giallo fluorescente.

Articoli del regolamento sportivo relative alle livree delle monoposto.

21.1 The provisions of the Code relating to national colours shall not apply to the Championship.
Both cars entered by a competitor must be presented in substantially the same livery at each Event, any change to this livery during a Championship season may only be made with the agreement of the Formula One Commission.
In order that the cars of each team may be easily distinguished from one another whilst they are on the track, the on board cameras located above the principal roll structure of the first car must remain as it is supplied to the team and the second car must be predominantly fluorescent yellow.

21.2 Each car will carry the race number of its driver as published by the FIA at the beginning of the season or the race number that has been allocated to his replacement under Article 19.1(b)(iii). This number must be clearly visible from the front of the car and on the driver’s crash helmet.
Prior to the start of the 2014 World Championship season race numbers will be permanently allocated to drivers by ballot, such numbers must then be used by that driver during every Formula One World Championship Event he takes part in throughout his career.
Any new drivers, either at the start of or during a season, will also be allocated a permanent number in the same way.
The only exception to this allocation process will be for the reigning World Champion who will have the option to use the number one. The number that was previously allocated to him will be reserved for him in subsequent seasons if he does not retain the title of World Champion.

21.3 The name or the emblem of the make of the car must appear on the front of the nose of the car and in either case be at least 25mm in its largest dimension. The name of the driver must appear on the external bodywork and be clearly legible.

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